Change Is Your Enemy. Until It’s Not.

Fish out of water

Sure, sometimes change feels great, especially change you’ve planned for. Like an office refresh. Or leaving winter behind and seeing signs of spring.

But, like the seasons, the business landscape continually changes. Just when you think you have things figured out… something shifts, and you must adjust. Your expected, comfy, beloved normal is disrupted and you’re forced to deal with change.

Still, change is inevitable and, intellectually, we know it’s often good for us. Why then isn’t it easier to accept?

For one thing, change is often forced upon us, so we immediately give it a bad rap. It makes us feel uneasy and uncomfortable. And, thanks to our ancient ancestors, we humans have a tendency to catastrophize situations and jump to the worst-case scenario. We also tend to prefer our comfort zones—it’s safe there and we know what to expect. Disrupting this comfortable rhythm can seem overwhelming, even when leaving our safe space is the best thing for us.   

In fact, research shows that facing uncertainty jumpstarts your brain and activates learning, helping you move beyond fear and self-doubt. Other benefits of embracing change include:

  • Improved self-esteem and confidence

  • Ability to better handle adversity

  • Decreased burnout and boredom

  • Increased empathy

  • Personal and professional growth

Change doesn't need to be your enemy. And one of the best ways to become friendlier with it is to let go of your fear.

Maybe you’ll never love change, but you can learn to embrace it.

At EPI, we help teams and individuals embrace change and adapt more effectively. Our free resource “4 Steps to Getting Comfortable with Change” will help you prepare for change, recognize and grow beyond your personal limitations, and guide you in accepting and adapting to change.


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